My ISP kept on giving me errors on all flavours: Vista, Maverick and even downgrade installations to Jaunty! The error code indicated authentication problems, which may be protocol issues. I went ahead and got the ethernet and wifi checked elsewhere and all worked fine. Only then did I call my ISP and ask what the heck was going on. It turns out that my ISP has recently locked the account to a single MAC address for "security reasons". They wanted me to fill up a form to say that they should open my account to other MAC addresses and any misuse then would be my responsibility. I went straightaway looking for forms but they didn't tell me that Sunday their branch here is closed. I came back disappointed, but a search online landed me a simpler solution. Why go out at all signing forms when a few keystrokes get the job done?! :) So here goes:
- Get your source system (my PC thats locked with the ISP) MAC address by ipconfig /all if you're in Windoze or in good ol' Linux you check the entry for ether by ifconfig. This MAC is used further as xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
- Repeat the above for the target system (my laptop thats locked out from the ISP) so that I can jot it down in case something ever goes wrong. Contingency, that is. :)
- To change the target MAC on Linux:
- sudo ifconfig eth0 down
- sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
- sudo ifconfig eth0 up (Goes off on reboot)
- OR in recent Ubuntu systems, just right click on network ->Edit Connections -> Eth0 -> Edit -> add xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx to Clone MAC. (Stays on reboot)
- To change the target MAC on Windoze:
- Go to LAN properties -> General -> Configure (LAN card) -> Advanced -> Network Address (Property) -> add xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx to Value -> OK
- Disable & enable the LAN or reboot (the Windoze way) :)
- OR regedit/ regedit32 and expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
- While there, check all subkeys 0001, 0002... till you get your LAN card in DriverDesc.
- Add xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx to NetworkAddress value.
- Reboot.
- sudo poff -a dsl-provider
- sudo pon dsl-provider
- OR sudo pppoeconf (if not already done earlier)